7- To apply Islam in all aspects of his life
To apply Islam in
all aspects of his life
On the authority of Ibn Omar,
may God be pleased with them both, the Messenger of God said: “Islam is built
on five testimonies that there is no god but God, and that Muhammad is his
servant and his Messenger, the establishment of prayer, the payment of Zakat,
the pilgrimage to the house, and the fasting of Ramadan
These five are the
pillars of Islam, not all of Islam
It is understood
from what was mentioned that
Islam is a belief represented
by the Shahada and the pillars of faith
Islam is an act of worship
represented by prayer, zakat, fasting and Hajj, and these are the pillars of
Islam is a building that
stands above these pillars represented by the curricula of life in Islam: the
political, economic, military, moral, social and educational curriculum
And Islam has its supporters,
which are the way to rise in the form of jihad, enjoining good, forbidding
evil, judgments and punishments
The message of man
in the stages of his whole life
Islam is the message of all
mankind, and it is his message as well in all stages of his life and his
existence. This is a manifestation of Islamic inclusiveness. It is God's
guidance that accompanies man as I go and walk in the stages of his life
It is not surprising that we
have found in Islam rulings related to the fetus and rulings and teachings
related to the newborn from the time of his birth
After that, we find rulings
related to a young person, a young man, an adult, and an old man. There is no
stage in his life except for Islam in which there is guidance and legislation,
as we have found in Islam other provisions related to a person after his death
And we sent
down to you the book to clarify everything, guidance, mercy, and good tidings
for the Muslims (An-Nahl89)
Aspects of
applying Islam in various aspects of an individual's life
1- Commitment to faith
it is the basis of every commitment, and to
strive for methods of awakening faith and to maintain them, such as
Reflection on the Book of God
Thinking about God’s
blessings upon us
think about the Sunnahs of
God in creation “and the changing conditions of the servants
And wrestling with falsehood
with right
Daily dawn prayers
Standing to pray immediately after
the call
Voluntary fasting 3 days a
month as much as possible
Quran recitation and
contemplate some verses
Preserving the remembrance
Training to evoke the
Night prayers at least once a
Visiting cemeteries once a
Contemplation and
contemplation of the universe and its components
Reflection on the day of the situation and the
2- Ethical
To commit to be a good
The Messenger of God, may
God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was among his companions a supreme example
for the one who calls for him, as he instills in his companions this sublime
behavior with his fragrant life
The Messenger of God, may
God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to say: “Shall I tell you that he is
the most beloved of you and closer to me, sitting on the Day of Resurrection
who is the best of Ethical
And the Messenger of God, may
God’s prayers and peace be upon him, warned against contradicting the verb.
Usama bin Zaid, may God be pleased with him, heard the Messenger of God, may
God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say: “On the Day of Resurrection, a man
will be thrown into the fire, and his neck will be spun out, and he turns
around as a donkey spins, and the people of the fire gather over him and say: :
Oh, what is your business? Did you not enjoin good and forbid evil ?! He said:
I was ordering you to do good and did not come to it, and forbade you from evil
and bring it
3- Sharia
adherence to work
To master his scientific
specialization in order to reach the highest ranks as possible
To have the characteristics
of a Muslim worker, honesty, non-cheating, etc
Good litigation is your
right, and people's rights are fully and uncompromised, without demand and
never procrastinating
Earning and seeking what is permissible
and away from forbidden
And that in his money that he
earns a right imposed for the questioner and the deprived
And never stand suspicious
4- Commitment in
financial terms
Of the etiquette in financial
dealings such as
The etiquette of dealing in
That we do not buy anything that is negotiated
by others to buy it until it ends with buying it or leaving it. In the hadith
of Ibn Omar: “Some of you shall not sell on the sale of his brother.” Narrated
by Al-Bukhari
The etiquette of dealing with
thanks for the good to return the debt to its
owner, and from piety, the creditor does not accept anything other than the
debt he took from him. As for the gifts that are bought or the money that he
gives: it is a suspicion of usury. Usama bin Zaid, may God be pleased with him,
narrated on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace
be upon him, who said: “Whoever is make well to him and says to his doer, may God reward
you well, he is more informed in praise.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi.
In respecting the contracts
By respecting our contracts,
so that we do not withdraw from a sale that has been completed or whose time
has expired, then we were separated after the sale session. In the hadith: “The
two sales are by choice unless they are separated
In truthfulness
the seller to believe in
describing his goods and showing their hidden flaw - and to be committed to the
truth in words and deeds, and not to pretend to be in debt until no one intends
him for a debt and not to pretend that he does not exist so as not to demand a
debt and others - and not to swear to promote his goods
On the authority of Abu
Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, he said: I heard the Messenger of God,
may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say: “The oath is spent on the
commodity and deserves to be earned.” Agreed upon
In fulfilling the promise
To fulfill our promise to pay the debt, return
the nakedness, adhere to punctuality and adhere to conditions, contracts, bail,
treaties, etc.
“Fulfill God's
pledge if a covenant has been made
Nahl )91 (
Choose a source of halal
Prioritizing the needs of
Muslims and the local community in selecting projects
Writing and documenting
participation contracts
Doing a feasibility study for
the project before taking practical steps
Writing debts and loans,
setting the date of repayment, and certifying that
Estimating the size of the
project appropriate to your financial and practical capabilities before
embarking on it and consulting with people of experience
The emergence of the azimuth
of faith in dealing with partners, competitors and workers
Establishing a financial
budget that determines its periodicity
Moderation in spending and
anticipation of emergencies
Ensure that the promise is
fulfilled and repayment and not exceeded
Adherence to Islamic
etiquette in buying, selling and litigation
Not to get involved in
luxuries and do not resort to installments unless necessary
Not to sell on others, no
matter what
Paying Zakat (calculating the
value - the date - the beneficiaries)
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