أحدث الموضوعات

11 - Ethics


Morality is temperament

(Ethics is a set of meanings and attributes that are stable in the soul and in its light and balance, in the view of man, the action is good or ugly, and then he takes precedence over it or refrains from it)

Pillars of good character

Knowing it knows right from wrong

Courage carries self-esteem and prefers the meanings of morals, and carries with it the suppression of anger and dreams

Chastity disciplines the power of lust by disciplining the mind and the law

Justice carries the soul on the requirement of "wisdom"

The importance of good manners

Nothing is heavier on the believer's Scale on the Day of Judgment than good character. For indeed Allah, Most High, is angered by the shameless obscene person

Good manners are the traces of faith

The Prophet said, "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should serve his guest generously; and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should unite the bond of kinship (i.e. keep good relation with his Kith and kin); and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should talk what is good or keep quit. "

Self-purification to achieve good character

God has created for each of his servants a soul that commands evil to test the extent of the sincerity of his servitude to him. And he made among its most important characteristics ignorance, injustice and scarcity, as it tends to evil and flees from good, does not like hardship and hates assignments

 God Almighty created it with these qualities to serve as the main test and practical field for the sincerity of our servitude to Him. Were it not for its existence, we would be like angels, not disobeying God's command. And God, the Exalted, the Majestic, has asked us to strive against ourselves and support Him against it, so that we may win His pleasure and Paradise

The Almighty says, “And as for him who fears the standing of his Lord and forbids the soul from desires, then Paradise is the abode.”

Kinds of selves

The self commanding bad

The blameworthy soul

assured soul

Characteristics of the human soul

double standard

Commissioning ability




Sections of people in their dealings with their souls

A slave to himself and his whims

Sometimes he contradicts himself, and sometimes he follows her

Mujahid for himself

Stand on one's own fault

To sit in the hands of a sheikh who has insight into the defects of the soul and knows the defects of himself and the ways to treat them

To seek a truthful, insightful and religious friend and appoint him as a watchdog over himself to warn him of what is abhorrent in his morals and actions.

To benefit from the knowledge of his own faults from the tongues of his enemies

To mix with people and avoid everything that he sees as reprehensible among them

Means of purifying souls

self accounting


Repentance to God

death male

Pray for


Self-purification to achieve good character

To give up covetousness, passion, admiration, backbiting, gossip, enmity, controversy, anger, hatred and envy.

To have moral principles

Patience, justice, courage, modesty, chastity

To have good morals

Fear, hope, love, contentment, gratitude, asceticism

In dealings, generosity, generosity, mercy, dream, honesty, fidelity, fidelity, abstaining from suspicions and lowering the gaze, advice.


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